Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"This Too Shall Pass" --Grief and Gifts

Monday, March 15, 2010 11:50 AM, EDT

Grace has had a good couple days. She is back to baseline after the surgery, requiring 23-25%O2 on CPAP. Calm and getting her beauty sleep before her Mimi's visit tonight.

We also share good news that her old friend, Jayden, is trying CPAP today at LIJ. Pray that he passes this trial. We were overjoyed to hear he had reached low vent settings to do this.

Certainly these two have not been spared many trials at a young age. In Lent, we are reminded of the cup that is not taken from us. But we also celebrate all that is possible in God through their miraculous life and fighting spirits.

Some prayer beads were given to us early on with the Infant of Prague on them. I held these when I went to St. Vincent’s and prayed over MG and Jayden.

The beads make a tiny bracelet to fit a baby's wrist. On them hang a medallion of a baby. They are from the cathedral in Prague.

Our Lady of Prague is a famous church/shrine that is visited by many tourists and pilgrims. Prior to her trip, our friend had lost 7 people in one year. It was a difficult time from which she learned "that life is a very precious gift and it ought not to be taken for granted.We must do all we can to honor it, cherish it, and protect it."

In the card, she writes:

"As we were standing in that church, a group of American teenagers gathered in front of the shrine and began to sing.(they were a high school choir) I do not remember the name of the hymn but it was particularly moving to me because it talked about God's presence in all manner of situations. Regardless of what befalls us, God is ever present.

The lady who sold me the medallion told me that Our Lady of Prague is a way of saying that God is our mother. And she is on the watch for all of her children, ranging from Baby Grace and James, to Beth and David. The funny thing is that when I bought this, I knew it was not mine to keep forever. It was mine for awhile and I have kept it in a special place in my house since then.

It is yours now, Beth and David. Take it and I pray that it reminds you of the love and presence of God when you need it most. All I ask is that when you are done with it (and only you will know when), you either pass it on to Grace or another person who may need its message. I trust your judgment.”

I wish I had 300 of these to give to all of you who watch and pray, watch and pray, over the new life of our daughter and hopefully new life in all of us. But I feel the story blesses just the same.

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